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About Me

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Shah alam, Selangor, Malaysia

June 20, 2008

Hari Anugerah

Hmm..Hi for all..
Today quite nice..
Tomorrow Hari Anugerah!!
Feel very bored..
Reach 7.20am but can only lift 12.00pm..
Gosh..hope to bring MP4 there,
but teacher will scold..

Besides, the things that
i want to say is..
In the top 10 for last year,( form1)
Chinese only got 10%, means 1 student only!!
It's soooo terrible!!
I hope that this year will be at lease 3 person la..

Oh ya.. Have a not so good news..
I get 6th in my class,
although my result is acceptable..
Now my class top 10 included 3 chinese..
We'll study harder..

June 17, 2008

Stupid Teacher!!

Dont said that i no manners!! Wait for my surat Aduan!! See how u die!!
I dont scared about u!! Although u make me crazy and messy!!
How can a teacher put those dirty things on our face???
Geram betul!!

Although my BM is not good, but i will write it and send to the Pengetua there!!
Surat Aduan i wrote before! I knew the format and how to write it!
Now I thanks to my BM teacher that taught me how to write surat aduan!
In the "Rules" for teachers, teachers should not beat students..especially girls!!

You are Malay.. N u should not put the Yucky things on the whole class' face!!
U should not be a teacher! U should be a Rubbish!
I am a good students, i know i shall not say bad things about teacher..
But, I hate him!!
The whole class hate him!!
Maybe some days, the whole school hate him!!

I just write my blog. U cant scold me now!!
I just say i hate u,
If u r human, not an animal, please apologize to those who hate you!!
I haven't see a teacher like you!

June 12, 2008





新年到了,有个阿姨到她家拜年...那阿姨有个小孩..突然在她洗碗碟的时侯..那小孩哭了起来...厨房里除了那她,还有小孩和弟弟...妈妈二话不说就给了她一巴掌!!她弟弟竟然还在角落里掩嘴偷笑...阿姨问到那小孩为什么而哭,小孩口口声声说是弟弟大他,此时她以为一切水落石出了!!谁知道,另一巴掌再次送了给她..为什么??妈妈竟然理直气壮地说:"你没管好你弟弟,是你的错!!" 当时,她好想反驳妈妈:“他是你儿子,该管他应该是你吧?”但这句话始终没说...因为在她要说的同时,妈妈拍拍弟弟的肩膀,说:“没关系,下次不要这样了。” 那一夜,她哭了整个晚上...


June 09, 2008



别的科目, 准备虽然充足,却阴沟里翻船...


有谁能够告诉我,为什么 “比” 已成为学习生涯的一部分呢?? (@.@)?
这一切的一切, 都与“比”分不开...


June 03, 2008

A trip to Taman Negara

OmG~ Just i recieved a message said that a form 4 student found dead eaten by a python in Taman Negara! I went there for 3 days 2 nights. It was quite adventurous. I'd been "Kissed"
by the leeches, mosquitoes and other insects... Its was a nice trip but i think i would never go there again. It's because i'm not really love the nature. But it is a nice experience to jungle trekking.

Gunung Tahan is the highest mountain in Semenanjung Malaysia. But I was shocked that no one can go to the top of the mountain. Gosh!

Hmmm.. I saw many bats in Gua Telinga too~ Some black black things is up on my head.. Juz then i knew that they are bats. A child in front me shouted very loud and the bats fly every where. Not dangerous but very scary!!